Robotic marketer

Why You Need The Help Of Marketing Strategy Technology

  • On : August 21, 2020

Because technology is the answer to coping with the future.  

Following the current trajectory of the world’s events, I think it’s safe to say that technology is at the forefront of managing the ‘new normal’. Today, there is mounting pressure on businesses to adapt quickly in order to stay afloat and it is this developing trend the has many believing that a digital future is the only way to go.

It is critical now more than ever that special attention is placed on how businesses capitalize on existing market opportunities and take into account shifting buyer behavior, competitive landscape, and much more. But, this may not be possible without the help of artificial intelligence. And, many businesses are already catching on.

According to a recent study conducted by PwC, 72% view AI as a “business advantage”. Traditionally, marketing strategies took many months to develop and when completed, were considered outdated to the current market environment. Moreover, marketing strategies were limited by the intelligence of the marketing professional writing them, who in most cases would not be across all areas of marketing. For this reason, ‘early adopters’ like Oracle and SAP with large distribution networks saw the value in AI-based marketing strategy technology through real-time insights gained for strategic next steps.

Combining the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning, marketing strategy technology such as Robotic Marketer is able to deep dive into big data available on competition, customer perception, and existing market conditions to provide a comprehensive roadmap to strategically navigate the ever-changing market for sustainable growth. Information gathering is often limited by the tools at our disposal but with Robotic Marketer, you are only limited by the “universe”.

So, here are three benefits to having a marketing strategy technology write your next marketing strategy:

It’s Faster

The use of artificial intelligence in marketing enables businesses to innovate and go-to-market faster. Thanks to the dynamics of machine learning, marketing strategy technology is not only able to learn from the past but also prepare for the future by taking account of present conditions.

Organizations and agencies alike are able to leverage this value in order to help their clients succeed. What’s advantageous of utilizing technology like Robotic Marketer is that agencies can now self-serve to have a marketing strategy in place in a matter of days instead of months, which processes the data entered during a workshop in mere seconds rather than hours. Furthermore, with a multi-user functionality to enhance collaboration, teams are able to work alongside each other in real-time to ensure all relevant information is inputted across the board for a faster turnaround.

It’s Smarter

The human and machine combination could possibly be a match made in heaven. The exponential advances made in the digital sphere has meant that technology now has the precision and performance of a human, and dare say even better.

Marketing strategy technology is able to make sense of large sets of data with minimal manual work. The data gathered is then used to inform relevant marketing tactics with appropriate key messaging to be delivered to the right person at the right time. A robotics-based platform dealing with multiple strategies is able to learn to suggest ideal content most relevant to the target audience. Artificial intelligence takes over the most time-consuming tasks that businesses and their marketing teams struggle with to provide smarter solutions that work.

It Keeps You Ready

The unique ability of artificial intelligence to not only uncover new insights but also apply that to future campaigns through learning is key to maximizing outreach to the target audience in the most effective manner. AI solutions like Robotic Marketer deliver marketing strategies that are not only intelligent but also promote real-time decision making to be strategically positioned or ready for whatever the market has in store. It also increases the likelihood of converting prospects into clients significantly.

At the end of the day, businesses see value in understanding which marketing activities work and which do not, and a marketing strategy that is powered by AI-based market understanding is just the solution needed for an increased ROI and enhanced bottom line.


As many take the time to plan their next steps, having a marketing strategy for the next 12 months will be an essential conversation to have. While the benefits of investing in a marketing strategy technology are endless, the above three reasons highlight why even the world’s largest organizations choose to employ its help.