
There is no time like the present: outsourced marketing

  • On : November 8, 2022

What we have come to realise is that companies are facing uncertain times and unlike the pandemic, the way we react to the changes in buyer behaviour is a ‘make or break’ situation.

With a little over five weeks until Xmas, you may be inclined to ‘turn the breaks on’. But that may not be the best solution for your company going forward. Here’s why…

There is no time like the present to get your strategy right. That means your business plan, marketing strategy, people management framework, re-thinking of your customer experience journey map, and choosing an outsourced marketing partner.

When looking at your business plan, there is one thing evident that many companies forget; it can’t be in your head and not documented. Why? A Forbes article outlines why, “vividly describing your goals in written form is strongly associated with goal success, and people who very vividly describe or picture their goals are anywhere from 1.2 to 1.4 times more likely to successfully accomplish their goals than people who don’t.”

From personal experience, I agree. Whenever I have written down a goal, I’ve achieved it. When I have just thought about it and maybe expressed it out loud, I don’t quite make the mark.

Entrepreneurs benefit from business planning

For business planning, I always revert back to Mastering Rockefeller Habits, which is a scaling up style book that gives entrepreneurs the platform to “make big happen”.

Marketing strategy using AI is genius

When it comes to marketing strategy, we use Robotic Marketer. It develops marketing strategy faster, smarter and more intuitively than if I had an experienced marketing manager develop one for me.

Where Robotic Marketer really sets itself apart is it is the first platform that truly uses data driven insights across all areas of marketing to develop marketing strategy.

Rather than spending weeks developing marketing strategy, this powerful AI software develops it in minutes. On top of that, it produces an invaluable 12-month implementation plan and provides users with a marketing strategy digital dashboard to manage performance.

A new feature that we have been trialing for Robotic Marketer is their reporting capabilities. As a marketer with 30 years’ experience, I use to get anxiety when my boss or client asked for a report on marketing performance. Now, rather than spending Friday’s going from one program to another, artificial intelligence does it for you. Genius!

Outsource your marketing for better results

From strategy, every business will need execution. Too often companies ask for strategy, then do nothing with it. They get too busy, don’t have the in-house skills or find other priorities that take precedence.

When I started Marketing Eye in 2004, I did so with the knowledge that this was a pain point for many entrepreneurs. Companies that have revenues from $500k through to $20 million find themselves in a spot of bother because they are too small to have all the skills needed for marketing in-house; marketing, public relations, graphic design, social media, web, digital, lead generation.

Many have tried and failed. Hiring a marketer and expecting them to be a graphic designer, web developer and SEO specialist is like asking your surgeon to be your dentist and melanoma specialist. Risky business!

Affordable outsourced marketing is key

B2B companies that are taking the leap to outsource their marketing can get burnt fast if they spend too much, too fast. It leaves a sour taste in their mouths. Going too cheap is a recipe for disaster, but so is spending all your budget at once. Ad hoc marketing doesn’t work.

Marketing Eye has only changed its pricing once in 17 years and not over the past six years. The reason being is that we put our customers first. When you are growing a business, you need a marketing team that you can trust has your interests at heart. If they sell only what they are good at, you will be left underwhelmed. Long-term relationships are key to building trust and ensuring that your marketing strategy is implemented right.

$3,000 per month is a good start to B2B marketing budget

The good news is marketing today is very content based. If you think about social media, public relations, lead generation, websites, email marketing – it’s all content based.

By hiring a marketing agency like Marketing Eye there is little or no extra budget required for B2B companies. This makes financial planning and forecasting easy and there are no surprises.

What Marketing Eye encourages is a commitment to marketing strategy and the execution of the plan as it is intended to reach business goals. From there, it’s about working together in synergy to execute marketing programs that tell your brand story and give buyers reasons to choose your company over competitors.