$199.00 / month

Elevate Your Marketing with the “Come Market Your Business with Me” Program

SKU: sub199

An annual subscription to Robotic Marketer’s “Come Market Your Business with Me” program will provide you with full visibility and control of your entire marketing function – all in one place.

The “Come Market Your Business with Me” Program:

  • Setup Strategy Session and Content Generator: Start with a 1.5-hour session to develop your marketing strategy and generate content tailored to your business.
  • Daily Marketing Execution: Leverage AI-generated content to post on social media, send email marketing campaigns, upload blogs, and optimize SEO.
  • Live Daily Demonstrations: Join a facilitator daily for 15 minutes at 8am AEST / 3pm PST to see live demonstrations of essential marketing tasks.
  • Competitor Analysis: Access a complete analysis of your competitors, highlighting where your company stands in the market.
  • Google Analytics Integration: Get a snapshot view of your Google Analytics data for real-time insights.
  • Actionable Insights: Gain meaningful insights to make quicker, data-driven decisions about your marketing activities.
  • CRM Integration: Easily integrate with any internal CRM system for streamlined operations.
  • AI-Driven Trendspotting: Utilize AI to spot trends, such as the best blog headlines and top social media influencers for your marketing campaigns.
  • End-of-Month Reporting: Review detailed reports on your strategy’s performance and read predictive analysis for continuous improvement.


Empower your business with the tools and knowledge to execute effective marketing strategies daily. Join the “Come Market Your Business with Me” program and transform your marketing efforts with AI-powered guidance.