Robotic Marketer Blog Posts from November 2023

Marketing Meeting

Marketers Need Discipline: AI takes on a new role

  • On : November 30, 2023

Marketing is a dynamic and creative field that requires constant innovation and adaptation. However, it also demands discipline and focus to execute a well-defined strategy and achieve the desired outcomes. In this blog, we will explore how artificial intelligence (AI) can help marketers ...

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Marketing Meeting

The Future of Marketing: Essential AI Skills for Emerging Marketing Professionals

  • On : November 30, 2023

The marketing world is no longer what it once was. Traditional strategies and intuition-based decisions are giving way to data-driven, AI-powered approaches. This shift leaves many marketers feeling out of depth, struggling to keep pace with the technological advancements that are defining the ...

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AI Tools for Marketers

The 8 Best AI Tools For Marketers: Enhancing Productivity and Strategy

  • On : November 28, 2023

With productivity levels of competitors going through the roof and scaling of campaigns using AI creating an uneven playing field, it’s fair to say that Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an indispensable ally for marketers. From developing marketing strategies to executing campaigns, AI ...

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How brand ambassadors can help your marketing plan succeed

  • On : November 25, 2023

Marketing is a crucial and challenging activity for any business, as it involves creating and communicating value propositions, building and maintaining relationships, and influencing and satisfying customers. Marketing is also constantly evolving and adapting to the changing environment and ...

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AI and machine learning

What is the difference between machine learning and AI?

  • On : November 24, 2023

Two buzzwords that continuously keep popping up in the field of marketing are artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). These words also seem to be used interchangeably as many people believe them to be the same. Although they are similar, they are not quite the same, but many ...

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Webinar Series

Introducing the Elevate 100 Club – Master AI Marketing

  • On : November 23, 2023

Unlocking the Potential of AI in Marketing Strategy The marketing landscape is evolving at a breakneck pace, with AI at the helm of this transformation. Staying ahead in the competitive realm of marketing demands innovation, agility, and foresight. Recognizing this, we’re excited to ...

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A Strategic Approach

Navigating High Expectations in Marketing: A Strategic Approach

  • On : November 23, 2023

What to do when your boss has too high expectations of you as a marketer? In the ever-evolving world of marketing, being caught in the crosshairs of high expectations from your boss is a common scenario. With the advent of new tools and technologies, especially AI, the pressure to deliver ...

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Elevating Marketing Strategies with AI

Elevating Marketing Strategies with AI: The Dawn of the Elevate 100 Club

  • On : November 23, 2023

In the dynamic world of marketing, where consumer behaviors shift as rapidly as technological advancements, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changer. With the launch of the Elevate 100 Club, a transformative program designed to integrate AI into marketing strategies, a new era ...

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Webinar Series

How to Use AI to Implement Your Marketing Strategy: Harnessing AI for Effective Marketing Strategy Execution

  • On : November 23, 2023

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a powerful tool for executing marketing strategies. AI technologies like Robotic Marketer for strategy development and management, and ChatGPT for content creation, are revolutionizing marketing strategy implementation. Let’s explore how you can leverage ...

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AI Course for Marketers

The Best AI Course for Marketers – Why the Elevate 100 Club Stands Out

  • On : November 23, 2023

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is redefining the marketing landscape and so finding the right course to upskill in AI is essential for marketers. The Elevate 100 Club is an intensive bootcamp which stands out for marketers seeking to harness AI’s full potential. In this blog, we delve into why ...

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